Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My ex-girlfriend still has feelings for me? 5 signs

You are going to fail.

I know that is a very strange way to start a page entitled “how to get your ex girlfriend back” but the truth of the matter is that you are going to fail.

Now, I am not saying that it is impossible to get her back. On the contrary, if you play your cards right then you can drastically improve your chances of winning her back.

Of course, with the way you are doing things right now… well, you are going to fail.

How do I know you are going to fail?

Lets be honest here, if you are desperate enough to type “how do I get my ex girlfriend back” into Google then you definitely need help.

I am not saying this to sound presumptuous or arrogant. I am just saying this because it is a fact, you desperately want your ex back.

So, I am going to make you a promise.

My ex-girlfriend still has feelings for me? 5 signs

Regardless of who was at fault, who initiated and that evil that in this process, going through a breakup is hard no matter what. During this transition period, it is almost impossible to tease apart the complex set of feelings that it crosses. The feelings you are going through can be a mixture of anger, sadness, love and desire. A cocktail!

If you have gone through a break-up with someone you really care, you may be asking yourself: " my ex girlfriend still has feelings for me? " the truth is that just the simple fact that you're asking this question means that they remain the feelings of love and respect for her by your side. And is a real possibility that is still harbored strong feelings for you.

Given the painful and tumultuous nature of breakups, it can be difficult to know with certainty what the other person is ' really feel. When things go wrong during a break (and usually do), the ' pride and emotions are so high that both people have problems to admit to themselves or ' else those that still care for the other person's '. And ' hard to be honest about your feelings when you feel the anger, resentment, indignation and sadness that accompany breakups.

Here are 5 signs that your ex-girlfriend could still have feelings for you:

Sign # 1: She occasionally texts, messages on Facebook or tweet about you or to you:

When we have feelings for someone, are in our minds a lot. Even if only for sub-conscious reasons linked to his strong feelings for you, if your girlfriend is mentioning your name in Tweets and texts, it means you are on his mind. She probably still thinks and cares about you.

Sign # 2: She calls you to see how you're doing:

Even if your ex has called only a handful of times since your breakup, phone means that you're still thinking about you. A sign " " bonus that she still cares: when she calls you asking if you have new girlfriend or are interested in anyone else.

Sign # 3: when you see a l l ' ' else, feels uncomfortable and nervous:

You bumped your ex-girlfriend or maybe meeting for a cup of coffee from your breakup? Think about how you acted. He was restless and nervous? You avoid eye contact? These body language signs indicate that she still has lingering emotions for you.

EAN you are on his mind. She probably still thinks and cares about you.

Sign # 2: She calls you to see how you're doing:

Even if your ex has called only a handful of times since your breakup, phone means that you're still thinking about you. A sign " " bonus that she still cares: when she calls you asking if you have new girlfriend or are interested in anyone else.

Sign # 3: when you see a l l ' ' else, feels uncomfortable and nervous:

You bumped your ex-girlfriend or maybe meeting for a cup of coffee from your breakup? Think about how you acted. He was restless and nervous? You avoid eye contact? These body language signs indicate that she still has lingering emotions for you.

Sign # 4: never went ahead with another guy:

Is your ex still single, or has moved into a new relationship? If it has been more than three months after your breakup and she is still flying solo or at least not by chance encounters, she might still have feelings for you.

Sign # 5: you feel that still visit the same numbers that you used to visit as a couple:
You got the word that your ex-girlfriend still visits those same places the two of you used to visit, including a restaurant, bar, Park, or store? May be returning there to remind herself of the times you had together.

Since you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend and suspect it could be the same way, your relationship was undoubtedly very special. If you believe that your ex has demonstrated one or more of these signs from your breakup, you owe it to both find a way to get back in his arms again.

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