Wednesday, March 8, 2017

how to get back together with your ex girlfriend

How to make your ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend Come Back?

 How to get your Ex Boyfriend/Husband or Girlfriend/Wife back using text messages. Free presentation shows you how to use simple text messages to get your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back literally at the push of a button. Have you ever let someone go… and then wished more than anything that you could get that person to come back? In order to get your ex back you MUST use this system!

Follow the link for you’re free presentation. How to make your ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend Come Back?



Did your girlfriend break up with you and now there is nothing more in the world you want than to have her back in your arms again?

You’ve seen a lot of different things out on the internet about getting your ex girlfriend back – what you learn can begin to sound like the same rehashed information. What you want is a fool proof plan that can help you win your girlfriend back. Discover below three steps to get her back.


Well, she doesn’t want to see you anyhow, so why not make it official?  Apply the no contact rule.
The No Contact Rule is what it sounds like. Stop all forms of communication with your ex girlfriend, written, verbal and visual. This means no more phone calls, no more text messages and no more emails. It also means no more seeing her, even from a distance.

Your friends can help if they know where your ex is going to be by letting you know ahead of time so you can make sure your paths don’t cross. If they say she’s planning to be at a party or social outing, do not go.  No contact means no contact. It means changing your world to one in which she doesn’t exist.  You do not want your ex girlfriend to get the benefit of having you in her life without the commitment.

Unless you and your ex work together or have kids together, refrain all other forms of contact and keep the relationship distant and professional.  If you can’t possibly ignore her for valid reasons, make sure you keep the relationship strictly platonic. You don’t have to be cold–the goal here is not to punish her, but to be neutral.  If you are working together, keep communications to their bare minimum and stick to necessary business only.  Whenever possible, keep your distance physically and avoid eye contact. Just go about your own work.


When you apply the no contact with ex girlfriend rule, you’re doing several things. First, you are giving your girlfriend the time and space that she wants. If you’ve been contacting your ex girlfriend and she is not responding to you, it’s because she wants time and space away from you to reevaluate her life. She can’t do what she needs to do if you keep calling her all the time.  She needs a clean break from you.

Second, in most cases, people who’ve been broken up with, go through internal turmoil. Their minds are in the worst mind set for getting their ex back.

If you feel you need your girlfriend back in your life to feel happy again, take some time to think about this. It is perfectly fine to want someone in your life, but when you need someone, when you depend on them for your own happiness, you will give off negative, needy vibes that will only push your ex away. So the “no contact with ex girlfriend” rule isn’t just to fulfill her need for space, it is also meant to give you space.


When you are not in touch with your ex, you have the perfect opportunity to work on aspects of your life that need improving. Have you neglected your friendships and other relationships while you were with your ex girlfriend? Do you need to get back into shape and lose some weight? Perhaps you could benefit from making new friends at a local meet-up group or check out those art classes you’ve been wanting to take at the local community college?

When you give your girlfriend the space she wants and needs, you are respecting her wishes and she will notice and appreciate that. If, on the other hand, you constantly text or call her, she will feel that you really haven’t heard her.  It may even feel like harassment to her.  That’s when she may come off as mean to you, just to get some room to breathe and think her own thoughts.

When you focus on your own life, you learn about yourself, discover more about your likes and dislikes and what you really value. Most importantly, you become more comfortable in your own company. This strengthens your ability to depend on yourself for your own happiness instead of depending on your girlfriend.


The period of no contact is at least one month up to three months.  It needs to be enough time for your ex girlfriend to feel what her life is like without you.  It also needs to be enough time for you to begin to find sources of happiness without depending on her. 

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